
Monday, February 21, 2011

The weekend report

This past weekend was an interesting weekend because I met so many interesting people.  I would like to give a shout out to Rev. Najiyyah Brooks who is the owner of Diva Zone Magazine.  She was a facilitator at a Women's Conference at Wells AME Church in South Toms River and it was life changing.  Rev. Najiyyah Brooks defined different meanings of  "love" which gave me a different outlook on the word ""Love" itself. 

Also, while I attended I took part in vending my books and publicizing the new business adventure as a part owner of a publishing company.  There were different  types of vendors from jewelry, candy, Ms. Carols creams and lotions as well as No Longer Bound christian card company.  Awesome time with all the new found friendships and connections.

On Sunday I went to church and had a great time.  After I left church my business partner Pat and myself had another vending event that was fun for me but my partner was not too happy.  My partner felt as though the vendors were not accommodated at this event.  The vendors were not announced enough amongst other things that I will not mention.

However, I met an author who was a guest on the 700 club, which is a christian broadcast and another author who wrote a book on relationships after his marriage was heading for divorce. I enjoyed myself because its always nice to network for future prospects to do business with or come together for a good cause.

Nevertheless,  I am extremely tired after being up since 9:00 am to 9:30pm.  Oh boy!!!! am I exhausted on this Monday morning...  I am going to do absolutely nothing today.....  but recuperate and replenish myself.

Oh!!! one more thing I might add that even though a lot of money was not made new business connections were made and that's priceless.  This is just the view from my eye's.... 


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Denial or the Truth

There was a breaking story several days ago about a school teacher by the name of Natalie Munroe who expressed her stress of teaching students who really get on her nerves.  She blogged about her experience as a high school teacher who observed the students who as she stated are "rude, lazy, disengaged whiners who are out of control".  Her job is threatened to be taken away and she is not backing down about her comments.  In my opinion she said what a lot of teachers are really feeling but don't have the guts or is just afraid to admit it..   I just want to say to Natalie Munroe Kudos for you!  You said what a lot of adults want to say.  I mean after all speaking your mind is better than physically attacking a student which would land a person in jail.  What is going on in this society is that people are calling wrong right and right wrong.  Some parents don't want to admit that their children are brats, who is self-centered and just outright disrespectful.  A lot of parents have spoiled their children and the court system has given children the idea that this is their world and we adults just live in it.  Some may read this post and feel offended but the truth of the matter is I am a mother who have given my children too much such as material, freedom and now they think they are in control.  I was in denial about the damage that was done, but I   now have accepted the truth that parents create monsters sometimes by giving materialistic things more than giving time and intervening in bad behavior. 

I am a parent of two sons and I must admit that I feel like Natalie Munroe about my children.  But how many will admit that they want to say to their children you are lazy, rude and disengaged and sometimes "I hate you!"  Hate is a strong word but reality is the person or young adult that our children become can leave a bad taste in a parents mouth.  I love my children but I hate the character that they sometimes display which is rude and lazy!

Again I say to Natalie Munroe Kudos!  Because you said what a lot of people don't have the nerve to say and stand behind your convictions.  It may not be your reality but our children have become big consumers of all of life's perks clothes, shoes, expensive phones and modern technology and games but not big consumers of integrity and good character.  I am not in denial that it may not be your truth but its my truth and my view from my eye's.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


As I woke up today my mind began to  ponder about all of the things that concern my family and I.  There were some issues that I had prayed about for a while and felt as though God was taking too long to resolve the situation.  

I almost put my foot and mouth in the situation which would've messed the whole thing up.  The thoughts race through my mind "should I take action" But shortly thereafter, God showed up and showed me he was in control.  Because that situation that I thought was so devastating God began to resolve it.  

Keep in my mind as I pondered about my family and I with the heap of issues facing me.  God reminded me to ponder the thought that my neighbor today is taking care of her terminally ill husband whom she married at eighteen years old and now they are well in there fifties.   I can't imagine the pain and the uncertainty she is feeling right now about the future.  Or as I think about those loved ones who are serving our country not knowing if they are going to make it home.  Or what about those that are without jobs and have lost homes.  yeah..... ponder.... ponder..... 

Ponder- to consider something thoughtfully

When I sat down to type this blog I realized my pondering over my small issues aren't worth disturbing God over because he has everything under control.  Therefore, God is needed much more right now in my friends life who is taking care of her ailing husband or in the life of others who has no job or home to go to. 

 Yeah, I pondered until I came to the realization that my little list of problems is a small thing compared to some  friends I know.

This is just the "View from Eye's"